Cicada countdown in Michiana, misconceptions of the periodic pests

MICHIANA - Our cicada countdown is nearing two weeks as we await the arrival of periodic pests in parts of Michiana.

With all the excitement and dread, a lot of misconceptions can arise about the coming cicadas. So, let's try to clear some of that up. 

Surprisingly, the bugs themselves are mostly harmless. The exception to that rule relates to young trees and shrubs.

Since cicadas feed off the sap in tree roots, they can sometimes cause damage to trees that haven't been in the ground for very long.

Cicadas won't damage your flowers or vegetable garden. They also aren't harmful to humans or other animals.

If anything, other animals are happy to see the cicadas return. An insect like a caterpillar can see its population increase, as normal predators choose to feast on cicadas instead.

In fact, sometimes leaf damage increases down the line in some trees because of the increased number of caterpillars.

Also, the large influx of cicadas is a great thing for the bird first. They feed on the bugs, and it can increase the number of birds that come back next year.

But when that temporary food source isn't there anymore next year, that can sometimes lead to a decline in the bird population later.

Experts say to simply sit back and enjoy the much as possible.

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