Senior citizens feeling taxed out of their neighborhoods

NOW: Senior citizens feeling taxed out of their neighborhoods

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind.-- As local property values increase in key areas of St. Joseph County, like New Carlisle and near the University of Notre Dame, some senior citizens are starting to feel like they could be priced out of their homes.

Some are heavily considering moving, like 97-year-old Joyce Horvath, whose story was shared Wednesday.

Horvath's property tax assessment spiked nearly $100,000 in one year.

"When you buy a piece of property, you want to know that over time, it's going to be worth more. Basic economics," said Portage Township Trustee Jason Critchlow. "The problem is, you're expecting a $2,000, $3,000, $5,000 increase in the appraised value. And what you're seeing is $50,000, $60,000, $70,000, $80,000 jumps from one year to the next."

Portage Township is getting hit hard with property tax assessment spikes, so Critchlow is trying to educate his residents on how to appeal. 

"They need to understand how they can file an appeal, and they need to understand they have to provide some kind of documentation, so they have to do a little bit of work to file that appeal," he said.  

Property Tax Consultant Beth Szweda of Correct Property Tax has heard so many stories just like Horvath's.

"A lot of the people that have been reaching out to me are in that same scenario," she said. "And they're scared they won't be able to stay in their homes." 

Unfortunately, senior tax exemptions are not especially helpful for local elderly residents, Szweda says, but there are some available. 

There are other options, like getting a reverse mortgage, but Szweda would rather see solutions come from the legislative side. 

"The legislature really needs to find a way to protect senior citizens who have been in their homes for many, many years," Szweda said. "There is absolutely no reason for them to have to leave their home because of their taxes."

 The deadline to submit an appeal to this year's property tax assessments is June 17. More information and the taxpayer portal can be found here.

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