Jodie Henderson's family celebrates guilty verdict

NOW: Jodie Henderson’s family celebrates guilty verdict

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Family gathered at Sorin Street Saturday evening at the exact same location where Jodie Henderson was tragically killed in January 2016

Family members put together this ceremony honoring Jodie's life, just two days after Jabreeh Davis-Martin was found guilty for Henderson's murder.

The balloons that were lifted into the air spelled out the words, "Jodi Fly Freely."

There were also candles laid out on the ground on the steps of the home where Jodi was killed that fateful January night.

They spell out, "Fly High Jodie."

ABC 57 had the chance to ask Jodie's mother, Patricia Forrest, what Saturday's memorial and celebrating meant for her and her family. was all about for her family.

“The peace we fin to let Jodi fly high now you know we won justice and we want to send a message out to the public that we won, we want the rest of them to know the love Jodi had in the family and outside the family, that Jodi had a lot of love out here," said Forrest.

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