Iowa voters react to cancellation of pre-caucus poll results

NOW: Iowa voters react to cancellation of pre-caucus poll results

DES MOINES, Ia.-- The CNN Des Moines register poll of Iowa caucus-goers was canceled after Pete Buttigieg’s campaign raised concerns of irregularities in the process.

The New York Times reported that results were held back after Buttiegieg campaign officials said that an Iowa supporter received a poll phone call from an operator working for the polling operation, but that Buttigieg’s name was not listed on the menu of options.

In a tweet statement—CNN details that, “A respondent raised an issue with the way their interview was conducted, which could have compromised the results of the poll. We were unable to ascertain what happened during this respondent's interview and cannot determine whether this was a single isolated incident."

After talking with a few Iowa voters, they say they were waiting for the poll results to make a decision on who they will support as the democratic nominee— as well as one voter who says poll or not, his vote won’t be swayed.

Carl McPherson, undecided caucus-goer, says, “I don’t think the numbers will assist me in my decision. It’s difficult to gauge by the polls. Unless the people who are polled are really attending the caucusing, then the numbers really are a skew.”

The Iowa caucus results are historically known to be the first major contest of the United States presidential primary season— so the cancellation is a big deal but was decision was made in order to uphold standards of survey research, according to CNN. 

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