One year later, fire still causing problems for business in Elkhart
How long is too long?
That’s what one Elkhart business is asking, nearly one year to the day a building attached to it, burned down.
The debris and the problems are still clinging to Hardy’s Bar, a year later.
The head bartender says business has been great ever since Hardy's opened back up in Cctober but that doesn’t mean the headache of dealing with an eyesore, has gone away.
“I was on my way here then my boss said bar was on fire," said Smoker.
Bartender Briana Smoker still remembers it like it was yesterday.
The once historic apartment building on Main Street in downtown Elkhart came crumbling to the ground on July 19, 2017, forcing businesses like Hardy’s Bar to close its doors.
“We're gonna get busy and do what it takes to get back open," said Mike Hardy, nephew of the bar's owner.
It took three months but Hardy’s eventually did open back up but not without some issues.
“A whole year later every time it rains," said Smoker.
Smoker is talking about the massive pile of debris from the burned down apartment complex, siting next door to the bar, which still hasn’t been cleaned up.
She says when it rains, the entire bar smells like fire.
“Very annoying very tedious to keep the smell away," said Smoker.
But while the smell and debris haven’t gone away, the customers haven't either.
“Very fortunate still have love of customers back here," said Smoker.