2024 weather so far compared to average

NOW: 2024 weather so far compared to average

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- We are now just over halfway through the year, so Meteorologist Kolton Woods took a look at how the first six months compared to an average January to June.

Temperature wise, every month so far this year has been warmer than average. 

February especially was warmer than average with it being 10.9 F above normal, and it was also South Bend's warmest February on record.

Springtime was also warmer than average with monthly anomalies March through May ranging from 4 to 7 degrees above normal.

Looking at the top ten warmest January to June's, 2024 sits in third place with an average temperature of 49.6 F. 

2012, 2023, and 2024 make up three of the top ten warmest January to June's going back to the 1890s. This is a clear signal that the climate is warming at a faster rate than it has previously.  

A large reason as to why this year is the third warmest so far is because this past winter was so incredibly warm. It was Indiana's second warmest winter ever and Michigan's warmest winter ever. The rate in which winters are warming are much more impressive than the warmer months of the year, and this is driving our warm anomalies year to year.

Now looking at precipitation, four out of the six months were wetter than normal. January and March were well above normal with precipitation amounts.

February and May were drier than normal though, as February only saw 33% of the normal amount of precipitation in that month.

The top ten wettest January to June's include some recent years of 2011, 2014, and 2018. Another signal that our warming climate can support heavier rains as warmer air can hold more water vapor and thus more rainfall.

2024 ranks 18th place since the 1890s with 22.28" of precipitation falling in the first six months of the year. Given that ranking, drought thankfully is not too much of a concern here in Michiana as June was a slightly wetter than normal month as well.

We will see what the rest of the year brings, but as of now, 2024 stands as a very warm and quite a wet year so far.

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