Is going to yard sales still a good idea?

SOUTH BEND, Ind. ­— Yard sales have always been a good way to get some quick cash, but during a pandemic it’s important to weigh the pros & cons of potentially exposing yourself at an unregulated event like in someone’s driveway.

South Bend resident Jared Wagner’s family wanted to put together a huge yard sale after learning they could do so given Indiana’s Back on Track Phase 3.

"We ended up inheriting a lot of stuff that needed to be moved and my mom forced us to bring it all back from Minnesota,” Wagner said.
“We figured, what better way to get rid of it all then have a yard sale?”

Wagner said social distancing was kept at a good standard, despite a big turnout.

“It’s the biggest yard sale we’ve ever had, no joke,” Wagner said.
“We’ve been spraying things here and there periodically, and we’ve got hand sanitizer on hand and pretty much everybody we’ve seen come through is standing six feet apart except for us, but we all know where everybody’s been with us.”

But St. Joe County Deputy Health Officer Dr. Mark Fox is not so convinced these yard sales are the best idea right now.

“If anyone in that scenario is infected, it’s a perfect recipe for a lot of people to be exposed,” Fox said.
“I go to garage sales from time to time (but) I’m not planning to go anytime soon. Any setting where I don’t know or can’t control the behavior and hygiene practices of other people gives me pause.”

Fox added if you do take the risk touching the surfaces at yard sales and being around others, it’s best to wear a mask and gloves, while also paying through virtual means like Venmo or CashApp.

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