Book written by first graders at Nuner Elementary gets published

NOW: Book written by first graders at Nuner Elementary gets published

SOUTH BEND, Ind. – Students at the Nuner Fine Arts Academy on Monday gathered in the auditorium for the reading of a book about mammals written by the first grade class!

First graders at Nuner spent about 2 months writing the recently-published book and they titled it “Marvelous Mammals.”

The book was written at the beginning of the year, and their teacher, Emily Beier, said the students learned a lot during the process.

“They’re very excited that they’re authors and illustrators of a book,” Beier said. “Writing is really difficult, to get kids to write a lot, it’s one of those areas where you’re a good writer, you’re a good reader but they really don’t like to write.”

Each student in the class drew a picture of a mammal and then wrote about of it.

Every first grader read aloud what they wrote.

If you are interesting in acquiring a copy of the book, contact Nuner Elementary via their website.

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