City leaders break ground on new South Bend Animal Care and Control facility
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- It's been five years in the making for South Bend Animal Care and Control. Tuesday, city leaders broke ground on the new facility!
Mayor Steve Luecke was on-hand, along with a few pets, to break ground on the new building.
Animal Care says it's going to be a big improvement for the city, and for the animals that come in!
"The new facility is three times larger. We went from 3,100 square feet to 9,400 square feet. Clearly, we'll have a longer holding period and be able to keep more animals and the adoption rate, it's our goal that the adoption rate soar,” said Catherine Toppel, South Bend Director of Code Enforcement.
Work on the new west-side building has already started. It's set to be open in May.