Congresswoman and U.S. Senate nominee Elissa Slotkin speaks at Democratic National Convention

NOW: Congresswoman and U.S. Senate nominee Elissa Slotkin speaks at Democratic National Convention

CHICAGO -- The final night of the Democratic National Convention, full of speeches by more Democratic politicians from across the country, with Michigan Congresswoman and Democrat U.S. Senate nominee Elissa Slotkin took the stage.

In her few minutes on stage, she talked about the importance of national security, referencing back to her time in the CIA and at the White House during the Obama administration where she acted as the Assistance Secretary of Defense.

Slotkin says it's not just about having a strong military but having a country that is strong enough to overcome global challenges like AI and climate change.

"Vice President Harris understands our strength abroad is inextricably linked to our strength here at home. Our schools, a strong middle class, and the health of our democracy," stated Slotkin.

With Michigan as one of the swing states being eyed by both parties, Democrat Delegates say her speech will be influential in deciding which way they swing in Nov.

"Michigan is going to be where this race is decided. We have to focus on the middle class, we have to focus on Michigan. I'm so happy that we have her voice at the national level," stated Michigan Delegate Jason Morgan.

Congresswoman Slotkin will be in Benton Harbor tomorrow, Aug. 22, where she will host a meet and greet.

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