Conservation officers seize firearms and drugs during traffic stop in Pigeon River Country State Forest

OTSEGO COUNTY, Mich -Two people were arrested Saturday, in the Pigeon River Country State Forest, after being pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road, at which point four firearms and various drugs were seized, according to officials. 

According to the report, the two suspects in the vehicle told the officer, "We are just looking to hunt stuff.".

The officer saw the passenger had an uncased .308 rifle near their right leg with a rifle round on the door handle, according to officials.

Additionally, the driver had binoculars around their neck and a loaded .22 caliber rifle behind the seat according to the report.

The report states the vehicle was a rental vehicle and when the officer searched the vehicle, a further two firearms were found along with used rifle casings, alcohol, containers of crystal meth, marijuana, and evidence of drug use.

Additional officers arrived on the scene to assist.

The Michigan DNR conservation officers confiscated three rifles, one shotgun, ammunition, and the drugs, according to the report.

The names of those arrested will not be released until they are arraigned in court. Both suspects face multiple felony charges according to officials.

Officials say the investigation is ongoing.

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