Could you love hate? New dating app matches people on things they don't like

We all hate some things: olives, the Kardashians, couples wearing matching outfits...everyone hates something. And while the haters are going to hate, maybe at least, they'll find a date. 

Now, a new dating app is making the most of all the haters, by letting people match with others, who dislike the same things. 

It's a simple swipe of your finger: right, left, up, down. Simple swipes that are changing the online dating game. 

The app, Hater, is focusing on what people don't like, as they search for new companions.

"It's based on what they like and dislike. Or love and hate," says 25-year-old Kalamazoo resident Michael Hayosh.  

He matched with ABC57's Hayley Fixler as she investigated how this app works. 

Like so many others his age, he's single.

"Most of my friends are in relationships, so I'm kind of the oddball," Hayosh adds.

He downloaded the app because he wanted something new; something different.

"Say they like to, I don't know, sing in the shower," Hayosh explains. "And you hate that for some reason... you can find that out pretty easily."

He's not the only one intrigued.  Men that were matched on the app were fascinated with this concept of weeding out people based on things they hate. 

But could it really work for a long term match?

Mary Wood, a South Bend marriage and couple counselor, seems to think that it's a start.

"Mutual dislike is a powerful way for people to bond together. People are often allying themselves against a common enemy. So it's a powerful was to forge a bond," she says. 

A bond that may, or may not, help someone find a lifelong companion. But she tells ABC57, she won't be recommending it to her clients.

"I don't think it's a good way to identify a partner," Wood explains. "If you're looking forward to a marriage partner, that would not be the way I would be doing it."

She says, like other dating apps, it's geared towards people who are likely glued to their phones. 

"My concern with the Hater app, is that it might possibly attract people who are already depressed," Wood adds. "Depressed people already like to sit around and think about the things they hate and don't like, and they get energy from that."

But it's not the end all, be all. 

Matches can meet up in person to see if there's that chemistry they're looking for. 

It's the first test to see if someone, could be the one.

"Just to, like, test the waters, I guess, to see if they're compatible with you," says Hayosh. 

A test that's already seeing some success, and 300,000 downloads, in just as few weeks. 

"We've had a lot of people contact us, saying they've went on great dates," says CEO and Founder of Hater, Brendan Alper. 

He says his creation isn't meant to pressure people into finding their soulmates.

"If people take it to the next level, that's great. But we just want people to come and have fun," adds Alper. "No marriage proposals yet...I'm sure they're coming."

But for the singles who are swiping away, it's something that is in the back of their minds.

"Maybe I'll find someone," says Hayosh. "And we'll go from there."

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