Council Member Gavin Ferlic shares why more people should be mentors
Posted: Feb 8, 2015 7:30 PM EST | Updated: Feb 8, 2015 9:29 PM EST
A recent study by the U.S. Department of Justice says, kids are five times more likely to graduate from high school if they have a meaningful relationship with an adult.
Ferlic has spent the last nine years of his life being a part of the Big Brother Big Sister program of St. Joseph County as well as the South Bend Education Foundation's mentoring program.
He says it not only has a positive effect on the kids being mentored, but it can also transform an adult's life.
Ferlic says one of the young men he mentors has an outstanding, positive attitude and it rubs off on him every day.
“He's just an incredibly kind person who always looks on the bright side of things,” says Ferlic. “So, a lot of times when we're discussing things, I'll try to implant life lessons and sometimes he'll bring a perspective that I wasn't even considering!”
Right now, there are 119 kids on the waiting list for a Big Brother or a Big Sister. For more information on how you can get involved, just visit