Elkhart Common Council candidate forum scheduled for Oct 15

Candidates for the Elkhart Common Council district seats are participating in a candidate forum on October 15at the IUSB Elkhart Center.

The forum is sponsored by the American Democracy Project and Political Science Club of IU South Bend. 

Audience members will be able to submit questions on note cards.

Questions can also be emailed to the American Democracy Project Intern at the Email address of [email protected]

The forum will be held October 15 at 6 p.m. at the IUSB Elkhart Center, 125 E. Franklin Street in Elkhart.

District 1 - Richard Shively (R), Dave Osborne (D) 
District 2- Mike Bellovich (R)
District 3 -David Henke (R), Chad Crabtree (D)
District 4 -Jason Mills (R), Dwight Fish (D)
District 6 -Pat Kurpgeweit (R), Tonda Hines (D) 

Uncontested candidates have been invited to speak after the formal event.

Dr. Elizabeth Bennion, Professor of Political Science and Founding Director of the American Democracy Project at IU South Bend will moderate.

Attendees are invited to join the candidates for a reception after the event.

Audience members are advised not to wear t-shirts, hats, buttons, and other campaign paraphernalia supporting a particular candidate, party, or campaign. 

This event is free and open to the public. 

Visitor parking is free on all campus lots. 

There will also be a mayoral debate on October 1, and an at-large candidate forum on October 8.

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