Exhibit on display celebrating IUSB's School of the Arts 25th anniversary

IU South Bend’s Raclin School of the Arts reaches a milestone anniversary this year. They’re celebrating twenty-five years of education with a visual exhibit.

A timeline exhibit is on display inside South Bend’s History Museum. It walks visitors through the school’s history. Each department was given eight feet of wall space to tell their story.

“It’s the chance to say to the community you know we’ve been here for a long time. You may not know that we’re here but we’ve been here. You may have come to an event, but not known our history and so now you get to see the history,” said Marvin Curtis, Dean of the Raclin School of the Arts.

The school’s graduation rates and programs continue to grow rapidly. The program has done a lot for the community. But Dean Curtis believes the school can be overlooked.

“I think sometimes we are overlooked and so for me, the history museum became the perfect place to do this it’s a public institution it’s the history museum, it’s our history,” said Dean Curtis.

This year also marks the one-hundredth anniversary of when IU first offered classes in South Bend. It’s also the fiftieth anniversary of IUSB’s first graduating class.

In addition to the exhibit on display all-year long, IUSB is hosting special lectures and workshops on campus. Details on the workshops, which are also open to the public, can be found at https://www.iusb.edu/arts/

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