Globetrotters surprise elementary students

SOUTH BEND, Ind.— From cool spins to amazing dribbles, the Harlem Globetrotters dazzled a crowd of South Bend elementary students on Thursday.

The basketball show was actually a surprise for students at Madison Primary Center.

Wun “The Shot” Versher has been on the team for 17 years.

He stressed the importance of giving back to kids and said, “It's probably a little more personal for me because I grew up in Compton and I can't recall anybody coming to our school. If they did, I missed that day, coming to our school and actually I guess being sort of a role model and teaching us that type of thing. We didn't have that.”

If you would like to check out The Globetrotters’ moves, they will be at Notre Dame on Friday January 20.

The show is at the Purcell Pavilion and starts at 7 p.m.

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