GMA featured local breast cancer survivors Tuesday morning

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Early Tuesday morning breast cancer survivors and their families gathered on the Notre Dame campus to be live on Good Morning America. South Bend is one of the four cities that will be featured on GMA for its Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign.

The women who attended the event spoke with ABC57 about how breast cancer has touched their lives.

Sue Floss will have her 13th radiation treatment later in the day.

"It's kind of scary, because they push you around and this huge machine is over you and you know it's is shooting radiation into your body," said Floss.

Patients and survivors share a special bond. That's what brought the women to Notre Dame's campus bright and early.

GMA brought the Michiana cheers of survival into living rooms all across the country.

It's the start of a nationwide campaign to encourage women to get mammograms.

The Carbon's Golden Malted Waffle Truck showed up to make pink waffles. They also presented a $1000 check to the Kelly Cares Foundation.

ABC57 wants to thank Kelly Cares for helping get so many great women out so early in the morning.


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