Heat builds to end August with 90s possible

NOW: Heat builds to end August with 90s possible

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- We are cool and comfortable right now, but that is set to change soon.

Enjoy the pleasant conditions right now because the heat and humidity are going to build heading into the weekend and early next week.

We will likely hit 90 degrees at least once or twice next week. 

That may make you wonder, are 90s common to end August and start September?

The short answer is yes, very much so.

South Bend typically sees their last 90-degree day of the calendar year on August 31st. 

In 2023, our last 90 came on September 5th.  

This year is looking no different with 90s likely before the year is up.

The Climate Prediction Center is highlighting much of the country to see warmer than average temperatures into September. With the recent dry weather, this only increases our chances of hitting 90 again.

So, do expect to see the 90s again before the year is up. It likely will not be like our stretch back in June, but the heat will return before summer says goodbye for good.

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