Home heating help available for eligible Michigan residents

LANSING, Mich.—Southwest Michigan residents may be able to receive winter heating assistance through programs offered by the state, utility companies and community organizations.

Senator John Proos reminded Michigan residents that “winters can be harsh and that help with home heating bills may be available.”

The Winter Protection Plan helps seniors and low-income gas and electric customers avoid service shutoffs and expensive utility bills from November 1 until March 31.

Eligible customers pay nothing or just a small percentage of their bill during the protection period.

“This is a deferment plan, not a financial assistance program,” Proos said.

Residents should call their natural gas or utility company to apply for immediate heating aid.

“First, if you are unable to pay your bills, please contact the utility company ASAP and explain the situation. Being proactive could help keep the heat on and save your life,” Proos said.

For more information on programs for heating assistance in Michigan, visit the following links:

The State Emergency Relief Program

The Southwest Michigan Community Action Agency

The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW) 

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