Indiana governor candidate John Gregg stops by South Bend

SOUTH BEND, Ind.The new governor candidate is making the rounds.

From Indy to his hometown of Sandborn and now South Bend, a day after John Gregg announced he is running for Indiana governor, he is yet to take a break.

We caught up with Gregg at Pete Pete Buttigieg's headquarters in downtown South Bend. After announcing his candidacy yesterday in his hometown, he decided to tour the state talking about how he plans to bring more jobs to the area.

"We've got to do more to make Indiana competitive in a global economy. The days where South Bend fighting against Shelbyville or Indianapolis against Gary, those days have to go, said Gregg. “We need to be doing more and more where we realize we're competing in a global alliance."

Gregg is not the only Democratic candidate in the race. Indiana business owner Thomas Lenfert is also running.

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