ISP remind drivers to look once for cars, look twice for motorcycles after uptick in accidents

NOW: ISP remind drivers to look once for cars, look twice for motorcycles after uptick in accidents

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind.-- Look once for a car, look twice for a motorcycle.

That’s the reminder from Indiana State Police after a recent spike in bad motorcycle accidents across Michiana.

ISP Sgt. Ted Bohner says the summer months means peak motorcycle driving season.

Now is the time to slow down and check ourselves to make sure we’re all driving safely.

Just within the last few days, three motorcycle accidents have occurred across Michiana in a five day span.

Two over the weekend near Bridgman and Goshen and another in Mishawaka on July 15th.

“A majority of the horrific tragic crashes we have between a passenger car and a motorcycle are us either pulling out in front of a motorcycle or turning left in front of a motorcycle," said Bohner.

Bohner says for passenger car drivers, simply being aware is the best defense in preventing fatal accidents.

“The most dangerous thing that we driving trucks, cars and so on do to motorcyclist are that we don’t take the time to see them because they’re so much smaller. The saying is look once for a car, look twice for a motorcycle. We’ve heard it so often that it loses it’s bite a little bit but its absolutely true. Look twice and make sure there isn’t a car there," said Bohner.

Bohner says for motorcyclists being aware and alert is key when sharing the roads with motorcyclists.

“We’re not a helmet state but any of the protective equipment you can wear can only benefit you if you’re involved in a crash. Number one, follow the rules of the road, if you're in a group leave enough space for you and the other motorcycles to be able to react. Do your best to stay out of blind spots of cars," said Bohner.

Bohner agrees that it's both the driver and the motorcyclists responsibility to be conscious on the road.

For riders themselves, there are safety courses and groups like ABATE indiana

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