Kansas water park plans to tear down slide on which boy died

Caleb Schwab died on "The Verruckt," the world's tallest water slide at Schlitterbahn Water Park in Kansas City in 2016. Schlitterbahn Water Park

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas water park plans to tear down a giant water slide on which a 10-year-old boy died in 2016.

The Kansas City Star reports an attorney representing an affiliate of Kansas City, Kansas, park operator Schlitterbahn said Thursday that the 17-story slide called Verruckt would start coming down about a week after Labor Day.

Attorney Melanie Morgan says the work is expected to take about three weeks. The Kansas City park posted a statement on its Facebook page saying it had received court approval to demolish the ride.

Caleb Schwab was decapitated in August 2016 while riding the waterslide. His death led to criminal charges against the company that built the slide and five individuals, including Schlitterbahn's co-owner.

Schlitterbahn says Caleb's death was a tragic accident.

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