Local radio station hosts radio-thon to benefit St. Margaret's House

A local radio station is trying to raise money for St. Margaret’s House, a shelter to help women and children. 

They strive to help their guests get back on their feet and at the house, they can get individual support

Thursday, 95.3 MNC held a radio-thon to raise money for the house. 

A donation as small as $25, can help feed an entire family. 

"St. Margaret's House is a day center for women and children who struggle with economic poverty. We provide food and services for people who need them so sometimes that means that the only meal that that person is going to get during the day is at St. Margaret's house. So for $25 we can feed a woman for an entire month at St. Margaret's House and so we are asking for people to call and donate to us and contribute to be a part of this community,” said Tamara McGill, development director at St. Margaret’s House.

The radio-thon runs Thursday and Friday.

To donate, call 95.3 MNC at 574-258-5483.

Thursday, the station raised almost $20,000.

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