Local service members honored on Vietnam Veterans Day

NOW: Local service members honored on Vietnam Veterans Day

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- Eight men from all different levels of service to the U.S military were honored Friday at Catch 22 Pub on National Vietnam Veterans Day.

The event was set up by Chapter 1027 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, a local group that supports vets in the Mishawaka area.

Chapter 1027 partnered with the local branch of Quilts of Valor, a nonprofit that provides veterans with the comfort of a hand-made quilt.

All eight men were given one of these handmade quilts, which was then wrapped around their shoulders by members of the chapter or family.

The ceremony is particularly impactful for veterans of the Vietnam war, many of whom never received a welcome home.

Anyone looking to join chapter 1027 or learn about veteran resources can find out more information here.

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