Local veteran weighs in on the government shutdown

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- October 6, for the first time in almost a week, commissaries all over the nation reopened their doors. While many vets and military families are calling that a small victory, they are hoping the shutdown does not last much longer.

ABC 57 talked with a veteran from Michiana, who served this country during the Vietnam War. Robert Woodward says our military men and women make major sacrifices for this country, and as elected officials, congress should be expected do the same.

If you are a local veteran or military family and you have concerns about which services could end soon, you can find details here: http://www.Va.Gov/opa/docs/field_guide_20130927.Pdf 

Also, all American Legions in the area say if you are in need of anything during this time, they will do whatever they can to help.  


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