Michiana reacts to travel ban decision

NOW: Michiana reacts to travel ban decision

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- On Tuesday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of President Donald Trump's travel ban. Here in Michiana, people on both sides of the argument are voicing their opinions about the ruling. 

The Islamic Society of Michiana said this decision is worrisome and members think it could have an effect on families here. However, a local immigration attorney says people need to remember at this point the ban is temporary and there's no telling if this will have a long-lasting impact on the people of  Michiana.

"I had been watching a certain thing on Facebook about the ban and everyday they were posting no decision yet, no decision yet, and I was like so when is this decision going to be made?" said Michiana mom Ammenah Starks.

On Tuesday, Starks watched as the Supreme Court upheld President Trump's travel ban. 

"We should be better than that," said Starks. 

"We were disappointed," said Mohammad Sirajuddin. 

Sirajuddin is the Imam at the Islamic Society of Michiana. 

"We feel that people of minority and different faiths, they are betrayed," said Sirajuddin. 

Sirajuddin said it's too early to tell how specifically this will impact Michian, but said the enforcement could impact the relationships between people from these countries and this community. 

"It is against the American ideals and dreams the people have," said Sirajuddin. "The liberty, and freedom and justice and equality for all." 

Frank Agostino is an immigration attorney in South Bend.

"I was not surprised by it at all, given the current composition of the court and given what the law is and the constitution, very specifically, gives great deference to the executive branch," said Agostino.  

Agostino said the ban blocks people from seven countries who have no direct connections, like family, work, or education to the United States, from entering the U.S. over a 120-day period. The Trump administration said this is needed to check the country's vetting procedures. 

"It's a balance," said Agostino. "You have to balance the protection of the people in the U.S. versus the founding principals of this country."

Agostino added this decision doesn't make the ban a law, and if people in Michiana want to make a change, then they should do something. 

"Let the process work out," said Agostino. "Stay in touch with your representatives. Let them know what your thoughts are and what you want the policies to be adopted by the government." 

"It inspires us now to work harder and push harder to equality and have our freedom," said Sirajuddin. 

Senator Joe Donnelly told ABC57: 

"The Supreme Court has ruled, upholding the president's policy. My work on the Senate Armed Services Committee has shown me that our country's security, which is of paramount importance, and its rich diversity are not in conflict, but actually reinforce each other. That belief will continue to guide my work on the committee and in the U.S. Senate."

South Bend Mayor told ABC57: 

"We are concerned about the impact these restrictions will have on local families and businesses with connections abroad. South Bend is committed to fair and humane treatment of all people, and will remain a welcoming city.”

Representative Jackie Walorski told ABC57: 

"The Supreme Court was right to uphold the president’s authority to temporarily suspend travel from certain countries where terrorism poses an elevated threat. Pausing travel from these countries until national security officials can strengthen vetting procedures and other safeguards will ensure terrorists cannot enter our homeland.”

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