Mishawaka fire station hosts drive-thru flu shot clinic

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. -- St. Joseph County Health Officer Dr. Thomas A. Felger announces that the St. Joseph County Health Department will be conducting their final drive-thru flu vaccine clinic for the season on Thursday, Oct. 13, from 2 – 6 p.m., at the Mishawaka Fire Department located at 333 East Douglas Road. Shots are $25 each and are payable by cash or Medicare Part B only.

The drive-thru clinic is a fast and convenient way to get yourself and loved ones vaccinated against influenza without leaving the comfort of your vehicle!

It is strongly recommended that all county residents get immunized to protect themselves against the Influenza virus. Last year’s flu season caused seven deaths in St. Joseph County. All were unimmunized and they ranged in age from 36 to 72-years-old. These deaths were preventable. During last year’s flu season many more of our citizens were admitted to the hospital than in past flu seasons. Many of them were quite ill and needed admission to the ICU. Their loss of income and the cost of their care were both avoidable.

For up to date information on the flu season, check out the St. Joseph County Health Department’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com (search for the St. Joseph County Health Department). You may also visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at www.CDC.gov for more information on Influenza and contact 2-1-1 for more information about local flu clinics.


(Source: This was a press release, courtesy of the St. Joseph County Health Department)

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