Officers encourage locals to attend drug awareness presentation

The Voice Change Hope Alliance is sponsoring a free community presentation Saturday, April 30th for guidance on how to identify if a person is using drugs and their available resources.

Michigan State Police say the program is being held in response to attendees’ request at the August 28th Prescription Drug and Heroin conference held at St. Joseph High School.

This upcoming presentation will be at the Niles High School auditorium from 8:00 a.m. to noon.

Michigan State Police say adults from all communities who are wishing to learn more about combating drug and alcohol use are welcome.

Instructors will be traveling to highlight a mock teenager’s bedroom for adults to observe and attempt to identify drug related paraphernalia.

After the program, a panel representing law enforcement, a judge, and others will be answering questions.

Berrien County officers and Explorers from Post 602 will be available to entertain children of those attending the program. Kids will not be allowed in the presentation unless they under 2 years old.

Reserve your spot by Friday, April 29th at 5:00 p.m. through email, [email protected], or call 269-921-5741.

For additional information, you can contact Lieutenant Melinda Logan with the Niles State Police Post at 269-921-5741.

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