'Pack Away Hunger' volunteers are packing more than 70,000 meals in just four hours, you can still join the help

NOW: ’Pack Away Hunger’ volunteers are packing more than 70,000 meals in just four hours, you can still join the help

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Volunteers from Michiana are coming together to fight hunger and packing over 70,000 meals on Saturday for their 5th annual event at Clay Church in South Bend.

Clay Church in South Bend has partnered up with the organization ‘Pack Away Hunger’ from Indianapolis, a hunger relief agency that helps feed families in need. 

What makes this year different is that 90% of the meals will be delivered to the Haitian community that has suffered from devastating recent natural disasters from earthquakes and tropical storms. 

And, that 10 % will be delivered here locally in our Michiana areas this time around. 

The first round of volunteer packers will start at 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and the second round starting at 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

The meals consist of highly nutritious 21 minerals, vitamins, rice, soy, and vegetables.

They are still looking for volunteers to fill in the time slots at 11:00 am and they are welcoming all who are hungry to help to stop on by.

To donate or register ahead of time, you can visit Pack Away Hunger Michiana 2021 - Campaign

Walk-ins are appreciated and welcomed: Firehouse Youth Center, 17646 Cleveland Road

If your organization would like to get involved and host your own 'Pack Away Hunger', you can visit Packawayhunger.org.

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