Photos of 15-year-old girl attached to sexually explicit website posts


The family, who will remain unidentified for privacy reasons, told ABC 57 pictures of their daughter were ripped off of, and somehow attached to a profile account on

The 15-year-old girl said she never created an account on the social networking site, and does not understand how her photos are posted with the name Allison Miller, which is not her name.

To make matters worse, comments on the profile by both the user and other users are sexually explicit.

As of Tuesday night, ABC 57 could not access the profile. The family told ABC 57 the person behind the account recently changed the privacy settings.

But, the family did share printed pages of recent posts.

At one point, the user posted she was “horny,” and comments from other account holders posted sexually explicit comments in return, even asking the 15-year-old what she would be willing to do in certain situations.

The family said they are not sure whether this is a prank by other teenagers, or if her daughter was unluckily victimized by a stranger.

Regardless, they said they want the pictures taken down immediately.

“We don’t want the people necessarily thrown in jail, but we want the photos off of the website,” the girl’s mother said.  “I’m just worried someone will recognize her at an athletic event and approach her, thinking she would do some of the sexual things posted on the profile page of Allison Miller.”

The girl told me a fellow student at her high school teased her about the comments on the website. She said she told him it was not her or her account, but he didn’t believe her.

“He was like, yeah right!” the girl said.

The parents said they have had trouble reporting the abuse to, since none of the options listed match their situation.

They filed a report on Sunday afternoon with the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department.

Captain Jim Bradberry said the case is still fresh, and they are still investigating.

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