Riley HS senior leaving for Army gets special graduation ceremony
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Timothy Tucker was already set to leave for Fort Jackson, South Carolina this Friday, prompting the district to get creative for him and his family.
After being approached by Tucker’s mom, South Bend CSC hosted the family for a special graduation.
“I always wanted to serve,” Tucker said.
“I (saw) my grandpa’s buddy who served in Vietnam and I was like, yeah I want to do that. I’m really thankful that they kept pushing me to keep going and going.”
The first diploma was also the first handed by first-year Superintendent Todd Cummings.
“When mom reached out, we knew we had to do something today,” Cummings said.
“And so with the support of board members, and the department of health and my team here, not only are we able to do an in person graduation, but to pull off today for Timothy - who we’re so proud of - was really special.”
Wednesday morning was a special occasion also for Riley Principal Shawn Henderson, whose son is currently serving in the Navy.
For Timothy to make the decision to serve our country and to keep us safe and to bless us with his knowledge, his strength and his ability to serve, that means the world to me,” Henderson said.
But above all, it was a proud day for Tucker’s mother.
“I appreciate everything,” Timothy’s mom Stacie said.
“It meant a lot to me, because he really thought he wasn’t going to be able to graduate or anything. It really made me sad. So for them be able to go out and do this, it really touches me.”
According to the district, about 25 other seniors going into the military this summer will officially graduate Sunday morning at 9:30 at Howard Park.