SBCSC Transportation Dept. preparing for school year

South Bend students return to school on Tuesday, but the South Bend Community School Corporation is still dealing with a bus driver shortage - mainly substitute drivers.

Melvin Falkner, Director of Transportation for South Bend schools says the first day of school is always a challenge, but he believes by the end of the week, things will start clicking.

During the summer break, South Bend community schools made hiring bus drivers a top priority.

The transportation department says they have hired 15 to 19 new bus drivers but are looking for more.

Falkner says finding substitute drivers isn't just a problem in South Bend problem, he says it’s a nationwide issue too.

Falkner says his department still needs about 30 substitute drivers in order to prevent issues like overcrowding and late arrivals.

“We’re going to be seeing how close we are on time, getting to know the kids, getting to know the bus stops, if we can do all that, get home safe, get to school safe, that’s a successful day,” said Falkner.

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