Sisters vs. Strippers: Nuns fighting off strip club opening

STONE PARK, Ill. -- A group of nuns near Chicago are fighting the opening of a new gentlemen's club in their backyard.

They believe the business will be bad for the community.

"Our concern is not so much for us, but for the neighbors also for the young children,” said Sister Marciana Zambiasi. “It is an immoral issue, it's something it's not good for the children to see this."

The Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Scalabrinians are upset because they say they were not told what kind of business was opening in their backyard until after construction began.

By law, when an adult entertainment business goes up, the village must notify all property owners within 250 yards of the site.

In this case, it appears the notice that was meant for the nuns ended up at a wrong address.

An attorney for the village says it's just too late.

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