Sonya Imus named new principal of Prairie View Elementary

GOSHEN, Ind. -- Ms. Sonya Imus was announced as the new principal of Prairie View Elementary School on Monday at the Goshen Community Schools’ board meeting.

Imus is an IUSB graduate with a master’s degree from Ball State, and is Goshen High School alum, who returned to the Goshen district in August of 2019 after 22 years as a teacher in the Concord Community Schools’ District.  

Through 25 years of educating, Imus believes that she has assisted in creating a supportive environment for teachers.

“I assisted in the development of cultivating self-efficacy within our teachers and staff. I am committed to working and collaborating with teachers for our students and community,” said Imus.

Most recently, Imus worked as the Master Teacher at West Goshen Elementary, however her new role will not be the first time she has worked at Prairie View Elementary.

Imus worked as the Teacher on Special Assignment during her first stint at Prairie View, where she developed a new behavioral management plan that led to fewer office referrals and implemented daily check-ins with students.

She also acted as the school’s Safety Specialist, and met weekly with teachers to discuss their needs within the classroom and how to better manage students.

Imus will replace Mrs. Donna Wiktorowski, who has chosen to move into the assistant principal role at Goshen Intermediate School.

According to Goshen Community Schools superintendent, Dr. Steven Hope, Imus is a creative and talented educator.

“She has demonstrated her commitment to student achievement and academic excellence, and she has the skills, knowledge and attributes necessary to effectively lead Prairie View Elementary School,” said Hope.

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