South Bend Cubs to host Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Indiana

The South Bend Cubs will host a Polar Plunge fundraiser for the Special Olympics on Saturday, February 25.

You can register for the event at the Pepsi Stadium Club at Four Winds Field beginning at 10 a.m. on the day of the event.

Participants will line up to take the plunge in a pool on the concourse level at noon.

The Polar Plunge is Special Olympics Indiana's signature fundraiser.

All funds raised benefit more than 12,000 Special Olympics athletes throughout the state.

“We’ve been doing this a long time now, and most people are familiar with the concept, but I think the newcomers are surprised at how much fun we have in spite of the cold,” said Special Olympics Indiana Director of Development Scott Furnish. “Whether you want to challenge yourself by taking the Plunge or you just want to support our athletes throughout the state, this is a great opportunity to get involved and to support what we do.”

To participate, individuals must raise a “bear” minimum of $75 ($50 with a student ID) for Special Olympics Indiana, with awards presented to top fundraising teams and individuals.

Participants can register as individuals or gather friends, family members, co-workers, or others and register as a team.

The event also will include an indoor “After Splash Bash,” where additional prizes will be awarded as participants warm up with complimentary food and beverages.

Spectators and guests are welcome throughout and can take part in the After Splash Bash festivities for a $5 fee.

Chris Hagstrom-Jones, director of media and promotions for the South Bend Cubs, said the team is incredibly proud to host this event, and will honor the top individual fundraiser with a prize package including four tickets to its Apr. 20 home game against Dayton and an opportunity to throw out the game’s first pitch.

The team also will donate 50 tickets to that game to be awarded to the first 50 registered participants who raise at least $100.

As part of the World Champion Chicago Cubs trophy tour, the 2016 MLB Commissioner’s Trophy will be on display for the general public for the first time at that game, Jones said.

The Polar Plunge is presented by the Law Enforcement Torch Run to Benefit Special Olympics and is sponsored statewide by Duke Energy, Graycor Industrial Constructors, Coca-Cola, Bluebridge, Toyota Indiana, Knights of Columbus, Psi Iota Xi, DePuy Synthes, Solid Platforms, Inc., and Taco Bell.

To learn more about the Polar Plunge or to register or make a contribution in support of a participating individual or team, visit

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