South Bend man breaks into apartment to cook and clean
Posted: Feb 10, 2012 2:19 AM EDT | Updated: Nov 5, 2014 6:37 PM EDT
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Police say 46-year-old Keith Davis broke into an apartment on Lance Court, near Portage Avenue and Cleveland Road in South Bend, around 11:30 p.m. Monday night.
What is unusual is that Davis did not steal anything. Instead the 46-year-old got right to work on some household chores. Davis even had dinner cooking on the stove when the family showed up and stumbled across the stranger in their home.
"I think I did win $50 at the bingo hall that night, then I came home to this."
The single mother who lives in the apartment says she and her son came home, after a night at the bingo hall, to find the lights on and Davis in her kitchen. "Well to be truthful, he really seemed like he really thought this was his home," says the woman.
The 27-year-old woman says she confronted Davis near an open window at the front of her apartment. Police say Davis lives in a nearby apartment and had broken into her home, thinking it was his home.
According to the woman that lives in the apartment, Davis appeared disorientated, but adamant that he lived there.
Davis refused to leave and police arrested once they were able to get inside the apartment, but it is what police found once inside the home that was even more unusual. Police entered the apartment to find a pot of chicken and onions cooking on the stove. The woman who lives there said, “It smelled good, it had the broth and everything, but we just threw it in the trash can”.
However, Davis did not stop with dinner, the man also folded the woman’s laundry, placed it neatly on her dining room table and vacuumed the floors. “He drank all my orange juice, but it’s cool because he folded my clothes and swept my floors,” says the woman.
All jokes aside, the woman says the whole situation was scary, knowing things could have easily had bad outcome. “I am glad he didn't take anything and he wasn't armed when my son and I came to the window because it could have turned out way worse”.
Davis is being held at the St. Joseph County jail on a $10,000 bond and is now facing a class D felony charge for residential entry. As for the woman, she plans on moving into a different apartment since Davis lives in the same complex.