South Bend promoting acts of kindness throughout the city

SOUTH BEND, Ind. – The City of South Bend is awarding Acts of Kindness Grants and Digital Neighborhood Grants to promote community growth and safety. They also have a Tend the Bend Trailer for use in neighborhood beautification.

Over the summer of 2020, the Engagement & Economic Empowerment team awarded 15 Acts of Kindness Grants which range from $250 to $350.

These grants are given out to residents and organizations to develop new programs in their community.

Digital Neighborhood Grants were created to help neighborhood organizations improve their digital engagement with residents.

“The summer grant awardees created youth engagement activities, a neighborhood-based small business scavenger hunt, delivered thousands of facemasks and hand sanitizer, and inspired their neighbors in invaluable ways. I’m excited to see what additional impact neighborhood leaders can create this round with further resources and the Tend the Bend tool library,” said Alkeyna Aldridge, Director of Engagement & Economic Empowerment.

The Tend the Bend Trailer comes equipped with many tools like lawnmowers and rakes to support making neighborhoods look the best they can be.

The trailer can be booked by any resident-led organization such as a church, nonprofit, or neighborhood organization.

For more information and how to apply, visit Love your Block South Bend.

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