South Bend school board approves sanctuary district resolution

The SBCSC board approved a resolution on Tuesday ensuring the district would not enforce immigration laws against undocumented students and their parents.

The resolution, drafted by the board’s vice president Michelle Engel, was passed unanimously.

“Our students are fearful that they’re possibly going to come in to our buildings and be deported,” said Engel.

The resolution is meant to reassure district families that they are welcome and safe in school.

It states that unless required by law, school resources will not be used to help apprehend an undocumented person. Students and parents won’t be asked about their immigration status and won’t be asked to provide documentation. Unless there’s a valid court order no student information will be given out to ICE.

“This is a country of immigrants and we want you to come in our doors, we want to give you an education and that’s the end of it. End of the story,” said Stan Wruble, the president of the board.

Tony Flora of the Community Coalition for Immigration Reform spoke at the meeting in support of the resolution.

“I’m very proud of the SBCSC tonight that with this resolution saying this school corporation stands for welcoming all students no matter where they came from, where they’re family came from and what legal issues they may or may not face,” said Flora.

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