St. Joe Department of Public Safety investigates suspicious person, locks down schools Tuesday morning

ST. JOSEPH, Mich. -- Area schools were placed on lockdown as a precautionary measure after a suspicious person was reported walking through the parking lot of the First Church of God at 2627 Niles Ave. Tuesday morning.
The person was first reported at 11:35 a.m. and witnesses say they had headphones on and were singing/rapping obscene and violent lyrics.
"Witnesses observed a person walking through the parking lot that they deemed to be possible threat and contacted law enforcement," the St. Joseph Department of Public Safety said. "The area schools were placed in lockdown as a precautionary measure while officers investigated the situation. We conducted a thorough search of the area, but unfortunately, we were unable to locate the suspect."
St. Joseph Public Safety Director Steve Neubecker says the suspicious person was wearing headphones and rapping out loud in the church parking lot and some of the lyrics he was shouting/singing were apparently about "shooting something up."
That is likely what caused a person to call police, but there was no weapon seen and no direct threat.
While authorities continue efforts to gather information and follow leads, there is no evidence of a threat to the community at this time.
Statement for St. Joseph Public Schools:
Around 12:00 this afternoon, SJPS received information that First Church of God in St. Joseph was in lockdown due to suspicious activity and a potential threat.
We were advised to lockdown the surrounding schools, including SJHS and Lincoln Elementary School. Additionally, our Brown School first grade classes were ice skating at the John and Dede Howard Ice Arena and moved to the locker room to ensure their safety.
Our staff and students followed our practiced procedures and went into lockdown immediately. Once it was determined by local law enforcement that there was no imminent threat or need for lockdown, students were released to resume school activities with the lockdown lasting fewer than 15 minutes.
We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this lockdown, as well as the immediate response of our law enforcement officers.