Stein officially requests recount in Michigan

Green Party candidate Jill Stein officially requested a recount in Michigan on Wednesday. Secretary of State Ruth Johnson estimates the recount could cost taxpayers $4 million.

Johnson issued the following statement after receiving the recount request.

It is unusual that a candidate who received just 1 percent of the vote is seeking a recount, especially when there is no evidence of hacking or fraud, or even a credible allegation of any tampering.

The cost of this recount to Michigan taxpayers could easily reach into the millions of dollars. Based on Wisconsin’s estimate, Michigan taxpayers could be paying $4 million despite the $1 million the Green Party nominee must pay to have the recount.

Nevertheless, county clerks have been gearing up to complete this recount under a very challenging deadline. They’ll be working nights and weekends. I know they will do a great job because we have some of the best clerks in the country here in Michigan.

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