The price we pay for loving our pets

Most people will do anything for their pets. They're family, right? 

A recent survey by USA Today Blueprint, a financial and consumer-oriented publication, indicates many people have experienced financial hardships taking care of their pets.

The publication surveyed 1000 pet owners and here were some of the key findings.

  • 91 percent of the dog owners questioned said they had experienced some financial stress in the past year over the costs associated with pet ownership.
  • 66 percent of the people polled say they've cut back on personal spending as a response.
  • 65 percent said they had to ask family or friends for money.
  • 33 percent said they've taken a second job or looked for new income opportunities.

Even if your pet is healthy, it can be expensive when you start adding up food, regular vaccinations, boarding expenses, and other costs.

Here are some other findings from the survey.

  • 26 percent of the people surveyed spend &51 to $100 a month of their dog.
  • 26 percent spend between $100 and $250 per month on their dog.
  • One percent spend more than $5000 per month on their dog.

Here are some key findings when the survey is broken down by age and area of the country in which the people surveyed live.

  • 27 percent of people aged 18-26 are most likely to spend $500 or more each month on their dog.
  • 17 percent of people living in the Midwest are most likely to spend $500 or more each month on their dog. 

       How much do you spend on your dog or pet?  We should note that the survey was done as part of an article that also discussed the benefits of pet insurance. 

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