Wisconsin governor in recall election fight

MADISON, Wisc. -- It is judgment day for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Voters in Wisconsin are heading to the polls to decide whether or not to recall Walker as governor.

He is only the third governor in United States history to face a recall.

The recall election is a result of the governor successfully leading an effort to strip public employees of heir collective bargaining rights.

"I think most people are happy to have the election over. I think certainly for my family and I think most voters in the state wanted to have all the attack ads off," Walker said.

Polls show an tight race between Walker and his democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett.

Turnout at the polls is expected to be high.

"People are engaged in this, but as we noted in the last 96 hours, the energy has been building, and building and building," Barrett said.

Wisconsin is a key swing state in the presidential election. But despite the national interest in the recall election, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney have steered clear of any direct involvement.

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