Woman charged with theft from Swanson Highland Swimming Pool fund

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. –- A St. Joseph County woman was charged after allegedly stealing money from a South Bend pool organization.

Amy Burris,42, was charged on Monday with five counts which included Felony Corrupt Business Influence and theft.

Court documents allege that Burris, the treasurer for the pool organization, stole money from Swanson Highland Swimming Pool Fund.

The Swanson Highland Swimming Pool is a neighborhood pool in South Bend that was forced to shut down in 2017 due to insufficient funds.

The documents said that the thefts occurred between July 1, 2015 and July 31, 2017.

Burris supposedly used money from the account to pay for a $300 shopping trip to Dick’s Sporting Goods, plane tickets for a family vacation, a hotel stay, and her personal television bill.

Prosecutors allege that Burris stole close to $65,000 from the fund.

Probable cause was found and an arrest warrant was issued for Burris. 

She was ordered released on her own recognizance and turned herself into authorities on Monday.

Burris is due to be arraigned on Feb. 5 at 1 p.m.

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