2-Year-old victim of snowball assault; battery report filed

GOSHEN, Ind. – Two-year-old Cameron Mullins was hesitant to take a snowfall from his father’s hand on Monday.

“Did the snowball hurt bubby?” David Mullins asked his son, “Yea,” Cameron said as he buried his face in his dad’s coat.

Sunday evening, Mullins said his son took a hard hit, a snowball square in the face. “It was a pretty good amount of force,” Mullins said, “He had a red mark on his face for an hour or two."

This was not a snowball fight between neighborhood kids, the boy’s father said an adult threw the snowy rock that nailed his two-year-old. “I mean you don’t get a red mark of your face for barely tossing a snowball.” Mullins said a woman, in a fit of rage grab a fistful of snow from the ground, packed it into an icy ball and launched it as hard as she could.  

“He was screaming, screaming,” Mullins said, “It took me a while to get him calmed down.”

The toddler was not the intended target, Mullins said the woman took aim at another woman but missed and Cameron got caught in the crossfire. “I know she didn’t mean to hit my kid with a snowball, but it shouldn’t have been thrown,” Mullins said.

Streaked with tears the two-year-old’s cheek turned red, Mullins said he expected an apology or the woman to show some kind of concern but instead, as Cameron screamed, she fled.

“I said why would you do that? You just hit my son in the face,” Mullins said, “And both girls just turned around and walked away.”

With his son still crying in pain, Mullins called 9-1-1. “If you hurt a child there should be something done about it,” Mullins said, “I mean he can’t defend himself.”

An officer with the Goshen Police Department took the report but no arrests have been made. According to the department this snowball smack does qualify as battery, and the report was passed on to the prosecutor.

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