3-year-old found walking South Bend streets reunited 24 years later with officer who saved him

NOW: 3-year-old found walking South Bend streets reunited 24 years later with officer who saved him

Twenty-four years after a South Bend Police officer rescued a three-year-old boy found walking in and out of traffic on the northwest side, the two reunited so that the boy, now 27, could thank the officer for what she did.

In the summer of 1998, a passerby called 911 about a three-year-old boy who was seen walking in traffic.

South Bend Police Officer Anne Hayes responded, bringing the young boy to safety.

The boy, Roberto Theiss, was later placed into foster care and adopted by a new family.

Twenty-four years and a few months later, Theiss and Officer Hayes reunited during afternoon roll call at the South Bend Police Department on Wednesday.

The reunion was heartfelt, with Theiss expressing his gratitude for Hayes' actions that night.

“Reading back on the report, it was a cold night and I was just a little child and I could have been taken but it makes me very grateful for her response and just wanna take a moment of silence for those children that aren’t with us today,” said Theiss.

“We do this like every day, and we never hear what happens to the kids," said Officer Hayes. “I’m just happy to find out that he did so well and wanted to see me, which is a big surprise too.”

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