ABC57 Online Code of Conduct
Please follow these guidelines when participating on or our social media accounts.
Join the Conversation
We encourage your comments and discussion here. As part of the press, we support your Freedom of Speech. We welcome all thoughts and ideas, so long as they do not violate our online code of conduct. We expect a basic level of civility. Disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must. Profanity and abusive language are unacceptable.
Unwelcome Comments
ABC57 reserves the right to remove any comment that:
- Contains profanity
- Is unlawful or condones illegal activity
- Is hateful, threatening, violent, harassing, abusive, or slanderous
- Is dishonest by impersonating someone you are not
- Is generally offensive, with comments stemming from ageism, sexism, racism, etc.
- Condones the use of illegal substances, or the underage use of drugs and alcohol
- Is considered inappropriate or contains sexually-explicit material
- Is off-topic
- Is selling or promoting a commercial product
- Is spam
- Contains copyrighted material that belongs to someone else
- Contains conspiracy theories
If you have any questions about these policies, or to report inappropriate behavior, please contact us here.
NOTE: ABC57 and its affiliated companies are not responsible for the content of comments posted or for anything arising out of use of comments posted on our web channel or other interaction among the users. We reserve the right to screen, refuse to post, remove or edit user-generated content at any time and for any or no reason in our absolute and sole discretion without prior notice, although we have no duty to do so or to monitor any Public Forum.