App shows nearly 30 sex offenders, family wants to move

WARSAW, Ind. - A family in Warsaw is considering moving after they discovered how many sex offenders live near their home.

The Misener family downloaded the free Android App Life360 and it showed nearly 30 registered sex offenders within a one mile radius of their downtown home.

"I was just shocked," Shawn Misener said.

The Misener's live within walking distance from the Warsaw Public Library, Central Lake, McDonalds and Central Park which has a sign that reads, "Kiddie Land."

"You never know if the guy standing next to the swing set is a sex offender," Bonnie Misener said.

At Kiddie Land inside the park another sign posted says that only adults with children are allowed.

Shawn and Misener have a 17-year-old daughter that lives at home, they are connected through Life360. Her parents are able to track on GPS her every move as she checks in at school, home, church and friends houses.

The App also allows you to call 911 with a push of a button while at the same time sending out an emergency text to all those linked onto your account.

"I can't have my kids, grand kids in the house that is caddie corner to where a sex offender lives," Bonnie Misener said.

While 25-30 sex offenders in a neighborhood may seem high, Warsaw is a town of about 14,000 people and the Misener family live downtown.

It is also important to recognize that sex offenders can live anywhere and perhaps this app can help keep your family safe. For information about Life360 just click here.

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