Are you a mosquito magnet? This might be why

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Have you ever felt like a mosquito magnet? As it turns out, these pesky bugs can be more attracted to some people than others.
One study found that mosquitos land on people with Type O blood nearly twice as much as those with Type A blood. Type B blood fell somewhere in the middle. Genetics in general can make you a mosquito magnet as well based on a variety of factors.
Heads up to anyone who likes to take their workout outdoors - mosquitos are drawn to sweat and lactic acid, both of which are produced during exercise.
Higher body temperatures and heavy breathing also increase your likelihood of drawing in these little bloodsuckers. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, the gas you exhale.
Pregnancy can also increase the chances of getting bitten which is likely related to having a warmer average body temperature exhaling more CO2.