Area Agency on Aging launches Friendly Caller Program

NOW: Area Agency on Aging launches Friendly Caller Program

ST. JOSEPH, Mich. -- The Berrien County Area Agency on Aging just launched the Friendly Caller Program to help seniors who are isolated at home during the pandemic.

Seniors in Berrien, Van Buren or Cass counties can call 269-408-4332 to speak to a friendly person who can help connect the caller to information about services they may need - and just chat with them so they don't feel so isolated.

“A friendly caller to just chat and the response on both sides gives people ,somebody else home kind of bored, a purpose and the other person somebody to talk to. We’ve seen a lot of friendships start evolving from these types of calls," said Lynn Kellogg, the CEO of the Region IV Area Agency on Aging.

The agency says they have roughly 850 seniors and disabled residents in southwest Michigan who are dependent on daily assistance of some kind.

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