Benton Harbor residents looking at third night without power

BENTON HARBOR, Mich. -- Thousands of Benton Harbor residents struggled to make it through below freezing temperatures Monday night. The Red Cross has opened a shelter to help those whose power has not been restored.

The power is not expected to be restored until Friday.

"It's just tough. This was almost like our only resort," said DiDee McComb.

Many residents in Benton Harbor are going on their third day without power.

Residents say Monday night's 20-degree temperatures were brutal.

"It was freezing. We had used all the candles from the night before and I was just wondering like what are we going to do," said McComb.

Some hunkered down and toughed it out.

"We stayed at home with a lot of blankets," said Adrieann Washington.

For others, that wasn't an option.

McCombs' dad is a recent stroke survivor and has a lung disease. She says her dad was slipping. She knew she had to get him out of their freezing house

McComb rushed her dad to the hospital and they were later refereed to the Red Cross shelter.

For those who are sick or elderly, being without power until Friday is a life or death situation.

The Red Cross says they will here to help.

"Until the need is done, we will have a shelter open," said Breeze Ettl, Community Chapter Executive Red Cross West Michigan Region.

The Red Cross shelter is at the First Church of God in St Joseph at the corner of Niles and Botham avenues.

If you need shelter, and you don't have a way to get there, call the Berrien County Red Cross and they will arrange for your family to be picked up.


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